Scott & Heather's Family Shoot
Taking pictures of Scott, Heather, Kennedy, Reynolds, & Katrina was an absolute blast - and not just because we got some great pictures out of the evening! Their entire family is made up of dynamic personalities, so instead of just shuffling around to the next shooting location with a few words passed here and there, it was an up-beat, picture-taking PARTY. Each family member has their own unique sense of humor, and boy were there a LOT of laughs! So many, in fact, that I could not stop smiling & giggling while editing their photos! Each photo reminded me of a different joke; a different "had-to-be-there" moment that took place during the photo shoot. Between Scott calling out which side is his better side, Katrina taking on the "supermodel" role, Reynolds attempting every. single. funny face his features can make, Kennedy smiling while corralling her siblings, & Heather laughing at her personal acceptance of her wild family, I could not have asked for a more FUN family shoot. I think the coolest part about Scott & Heather is that they fully embrace everything that their family is - knowing that seasons change, and so do the kids as they grow up. Enjoying each member of the family for who they are at every single stage in life is crucial, and acceptance is key :). I've had the wonderful experience of getting to watch this family do life in full-swing over the years, & I cannot wait to see where life will continue to take them. They are a loving, compassionate family, awesome friends, benevolent members of the community, and a breath of fresh air. Blessed to take their family photos. Check out more of their session in the link below!